Saturday, April 30
“The past has no power over the present moment.”
― Eckhart Tolle
Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a
3 RFQ: Single Leg Hip Thrusts, Tempo Front Squats, and Med Ball Pec Activation Walks
3 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Single Leg Hip Thrusts @20X1
Rest 1 min
3 Tempo Front Squats, pick load @31X1
Rest 1 min
Med Ball Pec Activation Walk, pick load, 1 min
Rest 1 min
16 Slasher to Halo (8R/8L)
16 Kneeling Keg Lifts (8R/8L)
Flutter Kicks (Accumulate 1:00)
Community WOD
Teams of 3 - 2 rounds for time of:
100/70 Assault Bike Calories
Run, 800 m
60 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts, pick load
2 Post Runs
40 Strict Pull-ups (Ring Rows or Bent Over Rows)
Time cap: 40 mins
Teammates can partition reps as they see fit on the Assault Bike, dumbbell burpee deadlifts, and strict pull-ups, but must complete the running together and may not start on the next element until all 3 teammates have completed the run.
One of the two resting teammates must be in active rest position during all non-running elements. Active rests: Bike (Suitcase DB Hold), Burpee Deadlift (Plank), Pull-Up/Ring Row (Bar Hang)