Friday, April 29

“Let no man pull you so low as to hate him.”
Martin Luther King Jr., A Knock at Midnight: Inspiration from the Great Sermons of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.



Strict Pull-up - Skill A:

Active Bar Hang : 1x 90 secs

Active Bar Hang 1x 90 secs

Accumulate 90 secs in as few sets as possible.

You're building on your Day 1 Active Bar Hangs. Those were only 30 sec each. See how long you can go today. Remember, these are "active", so press down on the bar to activate your lets. Also, practice your hollow body position by pointing your toes, squeezing your glutes and quads, and tucking your rib cage down.

*These aren't easy!


Skill B:

Hollow Hold : 3x 20 secs, rest 30 secs

Hollow Hold 3x 20 secs

Rest 30 secs between sets.

You just performed a hollow body position from a pull-up bar with your Active Bar Hangs, now let's practice from the floor. We're breaking the exercise up into manageable 20 sec sets. Stay hollow (pointed toes, glutes and quads squeezed, rib cage tucked), but use the tuck hold option if needed. *Avoid resting during each 20 sec interval. Instead, switch to a tuck hold if you can no longer hold a full hollow hold.

Strict Pull-up - Skill C:

Segmented Ring Rows : 3x8

Segmented Ring Rows 3x8

Similar but different to Day 2's Feel Elevated Ring Rows.

Initiate each ring row by activating your lats. This will elevate your body towards the rings a bit. Pause there for 1-2 sec, then complete the ring row. Drive your elbows down and back so that the rings are pulled to your rib cage rather than your chest. Keep your body as rigid as possible on these. You should be noticing a common theme by now. Lat activation and strengthening are critical to strict pull-up strength!

*Increase/decrease difficulty by moving your feet closer /further from the pull-up bar.


Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill A:

False Grip Active Ring Hang : 3x Max Hold

False Grip Active Ring Hang 3x max hold

Make sure to actively press down on the rings. Think about tucking your hips under, squeezing your glutes and keeping toes pointed. Tension is key. Make sure you are breathing during the entire hold.


Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill B:

Toe Spot Ring Muscle-ups : 3x5

Toe Spot Ring Muscle-ups 3x5 Rest as needed between sets.

Focus on slow and controlled movement through this drill. Do not rush through it. Keep your eyes forward the whole time and maintain a hollow position. Think rib cage down and press down on the rings throughout each rep. The false grip may feel weird at first, but it just takes time to get comfortable with. Use as much leg assistance as needed.


Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill C:

Ring Support Hold : 3x 30 secs

Ring Support Hold 3x 30 secs

Training strength and stability here. Keep your eyes forward. Keep your arms locked out and toes pointed straight down in a neutral hollow position. Make sure you are breathing throughout the holds and break up as needed.




10 rounds, 2 mins each, for max reps of:

5 Box Jumps, 30/24 in

5 Burpees

10 AbMat Sit-ups

max reps in remaining time Double Unders


Saturday, April 30


Thursday, April 28