Saturday, April 16

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
Joe Klaas, Twelve Steps to Happiness

Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a



Alt EMOM 12 mins: Dead Stop Bulgarian Split Squats, Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts, and Cobra Peel Offs

Every 2 mins for 12 mins, alternating between:

6 L/6 R x [ 1 Dead Stop Bulgarian Split Squat + 1 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift ], pick load

6 Cobra Peel Offs

Dead Stop Bulgarian Split Squats + Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts @ 4111

5-6 Cobra Peel Offs- hold for 10-12 secs


10 KB Front Rack Tall Kneeling to Standing
100 feet KB Rack Carry
(Begin your carry after you stand up from your last Tall Kneeling to Standing)




:30 Hollow Hold

:15 Rest

:30 Russian Twists

Community WOD


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes.

2 rounds:

·       One partner does a post run, while partner holds a plank.

Teams should complete 4 total post runs during this portion.


2 rounds:

·       50 KB Swings while partner holds a 45lb/25lb plate overhead.

·       50 Box Jumps while partner holds 2 kb/db in a suitcase hold.

·       50 Sit-ups while partner holds the bottom of a goblet squat.

Repeat and earn as many reps as you can until 30:00 mark is reached.


Sunday, April 17


Friday, April 15