Monday, January 27
"People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they have not communicated with each other."
— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
Starting next Monday, we’ll officially return to CrossFit affiliation status. As many of you know, we started back in 2012 as CrossFit Pisgah. We unaffiliated a few years back (as did many other affiliates) due to disturbing statements made by CF’s former CEO, but kept the CrossFit programming ideology and functional fitness focus. CF made a leadership change in 2022, and I’ve been impressed with the company’s adjusted direction, new programs, and focus on education and health while still staying focused on community, quality coaching, and supporting affiliates. So, we’ll be CrossFit Pisgah again, starting next week.
What will this mean to you? Nothing, really. Our classes and schedule and rates and day-to-day operations will be identical. We’ll change our web address, instagram handle, logo, and put our old sign back up on the front of the building. We’ll be back in the global CrossFit network, so it may mean some new members and drop-ins in the classes that come to us because of our official affiliate status.
Also next Monday, we’ll be shifting some coaching assignments with our noon classes.
Coach Scott will be moving from coach to Pisgah Open Gym membership to allow more time to focus on his commercial real estate work. Scott has been with Pisgah for many years, is a former affiliate owner, and an incredible resource in our community. Thank you, Scott, for being such an amazing coach and friend. We’re excited you’ll still be at Pisgah as a member.
Coach Meg has a new job that will see her schedule shift some. While she will be stepping away from Friday noons, we’re hoping to get her back coaching in a slot that works with her new schedule after she’s comfortable and situated in her new job. Thanks, Meg!
We’re so excited to welcome Coach Kelly Ashton to our team. We’ve had a chance to get to know Kelly through hosting Summit CrossFit these last months, as Kelly also coaches there. Kelly’s an experienced coach who holds a CF Level 2 certificate, and pairs her excellent content knowledge with a positive and supportive demeanor that is a great fit for our community. Many of you already got to take a Kelly class last Saturday when she led our Community WOD. Welcome, Kelly, we’re honored to have you with us. Kelly will be leading the 12pm classes on Mon/Wed/Fri starting Feb. 3.
Coach Dana will continue to be in classes, supporting coaches and members. Dana’s CrossFit cert has lapsed so we’re not allowed to have him officially lead classes (for insurance and licensing agreement reasons), but he will still be a presence, supporting Kelly and throwing down on class WODs with our crew! Dana exemplifies everything good about Pisgah and our family, so we’re excited to have him with us as we move forward.
Lastly, I’m going to start transitioning us into a new member management software system. We’ll be moving from Zen Planner to Push Press. This will save us some money and offer a system that’s hopefully less clunky, more intuitive, and user-friendly. This will be a minor inconvenience for you in that you’ll need to download and learn a new app, maybe re-enter payment info, sign a new waiver, but we’re not there yet. Just a heads-up that this will be coming down the pike, probably in the next couple weeks. More to come.
Have a great week!
2 rounds, not for time, of:
2 minutes of rowing, biking, or jogging
20 seconds of banded steps forward and backward
6-8 hollow rocks or Abmat sit-ups
6-8 steps of lunges
6-8 air squats
6-8 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
6-8 band pull-aparts
6-8 scap pull-ups
6-8 kip swings
6-8 pull-ups or ring rows
6-8 inchworm push-ups
(After WOD)
Dumbbell Chest Fly 12-12-12-12
Rest as needed between sets.
Athlete Instructions
3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.
Movement Demos
For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Air Squats
Athlete Instructions
For time, or not.
Do this as a chipper (complete all pull-ups before moving to push-ups, and so on)
If you need to make this more manageable, break these reps up as needed (for example, 10 rounds of 10 each)
Intermediate: 75 of each
Scaled: 50 of each
Super Fitness Robot time / rounds:
18:00 or less
More Likely time / rounds: (consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)
Cool Down
Cobra Stretch - abs
1-2 minutes
Chest & Pec, hands behind
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Kneeling Lay Back
Hold 1-2 minutes.