Monday, May 9

“The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook.”
William James

Have a great week, ya’ll! Pull-up/Muscle-up strength days will be Monday and Friday this week.

As we continue sharing nutrition resources, the link below was posted by CrossFit HQ yesterday. This doctor mixes no words when talking about the dangers of sugar and processed food. We will be sharing some more links and resources later this week.

Type 2 Diabetes = “Processed Food Disease”


Also, super excited to let you know we purchased some new equipment this weekend, thanks to our good friend (and newest member) Scott Mirkin. What did we get?

  • Rogue sled (for pushing), complete with straps (so we can pull also!)

  • 15kg barbell (35#), 20kg barbell (40#)

  • Concept 2 rower

  • Portable Rogue squat rack

  • 40# and 50# D-Balls

  • 60# dumbbells

  • New floor pieces (we’ve moved the warped pieces from the middle of the floor to the sides…no more tripping while walking across the floor!…and took some of the older pieces outside to add more mats for outdoor WODs and work)

  • Dumbbell rack (we’ll re-label both racks, but now the smallest and biggest dumbbells won’t live on the floor and they’re much easier to access)

Enjoy the new toys!


Strict Pull-Up Day 7/20


Strict Pull-up - Skill A:

Kip Drills : 4x5

Kip Drills 4x5

No, you aren't prepping for a kipping pull-up, but kip drills will still work to strengthen your lats (and the musculature of the shoulders). Here you'll be pressing down into the bar, which should drive your body backwards as the lats activate (keep your toes against the box at all times). These should be slow and controlled and feel very similar to Day 1's lat press downs.

Strict Pull-up - Skill B:

Banded Pull-up Negatives : 10x1

Banded Pull-up Negatives 10x1 Rest as needed between sets.

Jump into the top of the pull-up as needed. Remember your top position from Day 6's chin over bar holds. Keep your shoulder blades pinched back. Focus on descending as controlled as possible the entire way through. No specific tempo required. Your band will determine the difficulty though, so make sure things are challenging. If not for the first half of the 10 reps, then definitely for the second half.

Strict Ring Muscle-up Day 7/20

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill A:

False Grip Active Ring Hang : 3x Max Hold

False Grip Active Ring Hang 3x max hold

Compare to days 1 and 4. Actively press down on the rings. Maintain a hollow position throughout your efforts. Focus on breathing. We are building false grip strength here.

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill B:

Toe Spot Ring Muscle-ups : 3x5

Toe Spot Ring Muscle-ups 3x5

Make sure to take your time through each rep here. Keep the eyes forward and the rings in close. Focus on pressing down rather than pulling.

Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill C:

Banded Lat Press Downs : 3x12

Banded Lat Press Downs 3x12

This drill is working the lats. Think about keeping your rib cage down and lats activated. Press down fast and control back up each rep. Use a band tension that is challenging.




18-15-12-9-6-3 reps, for time of:

DB Box Step Over 24/20 50/35

Wallball 20/14

Clean, 135/95 lbs


Tuesday, May 10


Sunday, May 8