Monday, June 10

“People only see what they are prepared to see.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gym Happenings

New Cycle Alert! We Will be starting a Bench Press and Back Squat cycle this Week! The cycle will be 12 weeks with 2 month long waves and a mini peak in the final weeks! Today we are establishing a base line, then doing a mini-deload the rest of the week. If you miss testing day today, feel free to just test on Wednesday or Friday this week. Also, if you have movement limitations and these exercises don’t feel great on your body, feel free to discuss other movement options with your coach (deadlift, good morning, strict press… etc). Lets go!


Bench - Heavy single 

Back Squat - Heavy single 

* Suggested Build-Up: 

50% / 5 

60% / 4 

70% / 3 

80% / 2 

90% / 1 

100% / 1 


For time: 

50 pull-ups 

50 toes to bar 



30 strict pull-ups 

30 straight leg raises


Tuesday, July 11


Saturday, July 8