Friday, October 11

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.

Robin Williams

Gym Update:

  • Two classes Friday. 7:30am, 4:30pm. Please text or email Ben to RSVP (828-772-71115, Because of your membership holds, ZP won’t let you RSVP there.

  • We’re running a Saturday 9:30AM Community WOD. Bring it.

  • Anyone is welcome to these classes. No cost. Donations accepted. Until we get the floors replaced and rig bolted back down, I won’t restart the membership clock unless you specifically ask me to do so.

Friday Class WOD

For quality (50:00 Cap)

100/70 Air Bike Calories (or 1 mile run)

21 Strict pull-ups (banded or ring rows)

100 Jump Ropes

15 Strict pull-ups

100 Jump Ropes

9 Strict pull-ups

100 Jump Ropes

9 Strict knees-to-elbows (hanging knee raises)

100 Jump Ropes

15 Strict knees-to-elbows

100 Jump Ropes

21 Strict knees-to-elbows

100/70 Air Bike Calories

Friday “No Equipment” WOD

For quality:

Run, 1 mi

200 Jumping Jacks

100 V-ups (Scale to: Alternating Single Leg V-Ups or Sit-Ups)

200 Jumping Jacks

Run, 1 mi

Movement Demos


Saturday, October 12


Thursday, October 10