Friday, December 13

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.



2 minutes of jogging, biking, or rowing


3 sets, not for time of:

20 seconds of banded marching

20 seconds of bar hang (the goal is to feel a nice stretch in the lats)

7 hip & back extensions

6 steps walking lunge with barbell overhead in press width grip (if possible)

5 front squats, empty barbell (3 seconds up, 3 seconds down)



Double Kettlebell Reverse Lunge 20-20-20

Barbell Good Morning 3x15

Banded Single Arm Lat Pull-down, 3 x 16

3x8 L/8 R

Initiate with your lat. Pull the palm of your hand all the way to your rib cage. Your elbow

should go down and back.

*The thicker the band, the harder these will be.

Banded Single Arm Lat Pull-down

Strict Pull-Up Program - Day 6 of 20

(outside of class programming - do on your own - only the 3 piece, lat pull-downs, are in the class programming for today)

• Every 1 min for 5 min:

Toes Spot Strict Pull-ups

You’re upping your Toe Spot Strict Pull-up volume today. 30 total reps versus the 25

performed on Day 1 and on Day 3. Finishing all 6 reps might be difficult on the minute.

Scale back the reps if needed. Do not sacrifice activate lats or default to using more

toe assistance for the sake of fitting in more reps. Keep these challenging and focus

on the things you’ve been learning thus far.

• Chin Over Bar Hold, 1 x 45 secs

Accumulate 30-45 secs.

Use an overhand grip here, as that is how you’ll be performing your strict pull-up. Use

a box to jump into the top hold position. During the hold, focus on pinching your scaps

back the same way you did at the top of your Ring Rows from day 5. Last but not least,

stay in your hollow position!

*These aren’t easy! Break up as needed.

• Banded Single Arm Lat Pull-down, 3 x 16

3x8 L/8 R

Initiate with your lat. Pull the palm of your hand all the way to your rib cage. Your elbow

should go down and back.

*The thicker the band, the harder these will be.

Banded Single Arm Lat Pull-down


Front Squat 9-9-6-6-3-3

Cool Down

Glute Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Wall Stretch, Leg

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.


Saturday, December 14


Thursday, December 12