Thursday, December 12
If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself.
3-5 minutes of easy jogging, biking or rowing
2 sets, not for time, of:
10 m high knees
10 m butt kicks
10 good mornings (banded or weighted)
5 shoulder pass throughs, pvc pipe (feel free to use a light band if it treats your shoulders better)
5 band pull-aparts
5 scap pull-ups
5 kip swings
5 pull-ups, ring rows, or low-ring muscle-ups
10 strict shoulder presses, empty barbell
10 hollow rocks or V-ups
Part I:
For quality:
10 rounds of:
3 Chin-ups
5 L/5 R Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder Press, pick load
-- then --
50 Toes-to-bars
Part II:
4 rounds for time of:
Run, 200 m
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings, pick load
Athlete Instructions
Other Equipment Conversions: Replace each 200m of running with 600m on the Echo Bike, 250m on the Concept 2 rower.
Cool Down
Cobra Stretch - abs
1-2 minutes
Chest & Pec, hands behind
Hold 1-2 minutes.