Friday, Jan 6

“If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.” - Clint Eastwood

Member Questions

Why don’t we have specified rest periods during our strength and rebuild days?

Great question! During certain programs rest periods can be utilized to enhance our conditioning

( resting <1:30 ) or to enhance our strength ( resting >3:00 ) but for most people most of the time, resting until you feel mostly recovered from your previous set is the best rule of thumb, this usually ends up being ( 1:30-2:30 ) which is the perfect sweet spot in time for general fitness.


Strict press 

Weighted pull-up 

Front squat 

3 x 6 / 55% 

Pull-up variations: 

Rep max 3x55% of reps 

Time max 3x55% of time 


Amrap 20

10m crawl 

10m walking lunge 

10m LA farmer carry 70/53 

10m RA farmer carry 70/53

*trade full rounds with a buddy 


Reverse lunge 5 x 6 / 55% of front squat 

2 x 1:00 suitcase hold, per hand 


Saturday, Jan 7


Thursday, Jan 5