Wednesday, August 28
It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.
- Harry Truman -
3 Rounds, not for time, of:
1 min of rowing, biking, or jogging (increase pace each round)
10 m of high knees
10 m of butt kicks
5 inchworm push-ups or walking push-ups (see video below)
10 glute bridges, empty barbell
5 broad jumps (start easy, if you want increase the length of the jump round after round)
(NTE 10:00)
For quality:
Handstand Hold, 4 mins
Athlete Instructions
Accumulate 2-4 minutes open floor or against a wall
Or practice handstand walking.
3 min AMRAP
Strict Handstand Push-Ups (Scaled: Shoulder Press)
For Time:
5k Row
Strength B (can be done instead of WOD)
Farmer Carry, pick load, 100 ft
:45-:60 Flutter Kick
20-24 Single Leg RDL @ 3011
Cool Down
Frog Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Hamstring Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes per side.