Friday, Oct 27
“Where is all the knowledge we lost with information?” - T. S. Eliot
55% / 2 reps
65% / 2 reps
75% / 2 reps
85% / 1 rep
95% / 1 rep
105% / 1 reps
For time:
40 double unders
20 Power cleans 65/95
40 double unders
20 Push press 65/95
40 double unders
20 Front squats 65/95
40 double unders
20 Clusters 65/95
50% / 2 reps
60% / 2 reps
70% / 2 reps
80% / 1 rep
90% / 4 sets of 1 rep
*Rest 1:30 between all sets
30 dips