Tuesday, March 4
I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun.
Not for time:
3 minutes of jogging, biking or rowing
10 steps of lunges
5 PVC pass-throughs (feel free to use a light band if this treats your shoulder better)
10 db/bb bent over rows
10 Abmat sit-ups
(After WOD, if time)
For time:
30 AbMat Sit-ups
Superman Hold, 45 secs
25 AbMat Sit-ups
Superman Hold, 45 secs
20 AbMat Sit-ups
Superman Hold, 45 secs
15 AbMat Sit-ups
Superman Hold, 45 secs
10 AbMat Sit-ups
Superman Hold, 45 secs
5 AbMat Sit-ups
Superman Hold, 45 secs
Athlete Instructions
For time, or not.
Movement Demos
4 rounds for time of:
12 Ring Rows
Run, Building Lap
12 L Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
Run, Building Lap
12 R Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
Run, Building Lap
12 Candle Sticks (open floor version)
Run, Building Lap
Athlete Instructions
For time, or not.
Make the ring rows hard.
Other Equipment Conversions: Replace each 100m of running with 300m on the Echo Bike, 125m on the Concept 2 rower
Super Fitness Robot time / rounds:
25:00; the way ring rows and candlesticks will be performed, as well as the weight chosen for the bulgarian split squats, will play a key role.
More Likely time / rounds: (consider scaling if this seems unrealistic)
Movement Demos
Cool Down
Kneeling Lay Back
Hold 1-2 minutes.
Cobra Stretch - abs
1-2 minutes