Wednesday, June 15
“What’s another word for ‘Thesaurus’?” - Steven Wright
Ok…we have to keep some single-use plastic cups around to make sure athletes have water if/when they need it. However, we don’t like single-use plastics because they are a bummer for our friend Mother Earth. So…thanks for helping us, and her, out by bringing water bottles for use while you’re here!
Double Under (Singles)
Every 1:30 for 3 rounds
DBall Carry 200’ (2 down and back)
Sled Push 100’ (1 down and back) - Heavy
1:00 Single Arm Overhead Hold (:30/each)
3 2:00 Rounds, 2:00 rest
10/8 Assault Bike Cal
Building Lap
Max Reps Burpees to Plate (in remaining time)