Tuesday, June 14

“A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.” - Steve Martin

Rebuild option available in all Group Fitness classes.

XT continues on its Olympic Weightlifting focus…back to Cleans today!



3 RFQ: Front Squats, Ring Front Leaning Rests, and Single Arm Landmine Rows

3 rounds for quality of:

4 Front Squats, pick load @2111

Rest 1 min

Ring Front Leaning Rest, 1 min

Rest 1 min

8 L/8 R Single Arm Landmine Rows, pick load @2111

Rest 1 min



3 rounds for time of:


12 Overhead Squats, 115/80

12 Hang Power Snatches, 115/80 lbs

12 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls, 115/80 lbs





DB Suitcase Deadlift x 12-15 @2111

Landmine Curtsy Squat x 12-16 (6-8/each) @2111

GHD Sit-Up (Weighted Sit-Up) x 12-16 @21X1




Clean - A:

Clean Pull + 2 Clean : 1-1-1

Clean Pull + 2 Clean 1-1-1

3x(1+2) 60-70% 1RM Clean

Utilize the clean pull rep to prime your positions and extension for the two clean reps that follow. Reset with the bar on the floor between each rep of the complex.


Clean - B:

2 Clean Pull + Clean : 1-1-1-1-1

2 Clean Pull + Clean 1-1-1-1-1

5x(2+1) 75% 1RM Clean (or more)

This complex further engrains leg drive and extension with two pulls before a single clean. Reset at the ground for each rep. Same things apply- visualize moving into a full clean after each extension on your pulls. Loading allows you to work up heavier with this, but make sure to only increase if you are moving well and with speed.

Clean - C:

Clean Pull : 5x2

Clean Pull 5x2 Use the same weight for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

105% 1RM Clean

Feeling what it is like to move loads above your 1RM can be helpful not just in improving leg drive and extension but upping your confidence when we retest down the line. Reset at the floor between reps and make sure to move the same way you would if you were attempting to pull under the bar at the top of the pull.


Wednesday, June 15


Monday, June 13