Wednesday, August 11
XT 6:30AM (Programming below)
Group Fitness Programming:
5:00 of:
10 alt Dead Bugs
10 alt Contralateral Superman
10 RDL (empty barbell)
10 Push Press (empty barbell)
3:00 of:
:30 Lunges
:30 step-ups
:30 Air Squats
Drill 1: Behind-the-Neck
Drill 2: Tall Jerk
Drill 3: BTN Jerk
Drill 4: Triple Pause Split Jerk
Bench 10-8-6
Box Squat 10-8-6
30 Clean and Jerk for time (135/95)
Meant to be short. Don’t really want anyone over 6-7 min. Choose weight accordingly!
Mobility: (5 min)
XT Class:
Bench 3x8
Box Squat 3x8
Push Press 3x8
Weighted Sit-Ups 3x20
KB deadlift 2x10
KB/DB Snatch (alternating) 2x10