Tuesday, September 14
Group Fitness: 6:30a, 7:30a, 4:30p
Rebuild: 12pm
XT: 5:30pm
Group Fitness Programming:
Skill: Handstand Hold/Push-Ups
Strength: Gymnastics Strength (Day 13 of 20)
Hollow Hold 3x:20 (feeling stronger? Push these holds to :25 or :30 each!)
Banded Strict Pull-Up 3x8 (if you have any strict pull-ups, do those first. If/when you hit failure, use the band for the remaining reps. Be extra intentional not to bounce in bottom of movement.)
Ring Rows 4x 6-8 (make these HARD. You should be getting slightly flatter with these, increasing the intensity of each rep)
False Grip Active Ring Hold 3xME (compare to days 4, 7, and 10!)
Feet elevated Ring Rows 3x5
Banded Lat Pressdowns 3x12
15/12 Row Calories
3 Power Clean (115/85) Rx+: 135/95
15/12 Row Calories
6 Power Clean
…repeat the row and increase the clean reps by 3 until the AMRAP ends.
Mobility: hip flexors/IT
A1) Single Arm KB OHS x6/each @3011
A2) Deficit Landmine Single Leg RDL x6/each @3011
B1) Barbell Prone Row x12-15 @2020
B2) Alternating DB Strict Press x 12-16 @ 30x1
If time: Cosmonaut Situps (3x10/each), Russian Twists 3x20
XT Strength:
Hang Power Snatch: 3x5 (these will be Cleans for athletes that came to Group Fitness on Monday)
Overhead Squat 3x5
Back Squat 3x5
Single leg “box” jump 3x5/each
If time: Cosmonaut Situps (3x10/each), Russian Twists 3x20