Monday, September 13

Hi all, hope you enjoyed the incredible weather this weekend! We’re excited about this week for a few reasons.

  1. Coach Mark returns from a 3-week vacation and will be resuming coaching on Tuesday morning. And….Mark will be coaching a larger class load moving forward than pre-vacation, so we’re very excited to have the chance to learn from Mark more. Of my many years in CrossFit, he’s one of the best coaches I’ve had the chance to be around, so we’re lucky to have him.

  2. Many of you by now have met Coach Jacob Derossett. Jacob is relatively new to Asheville (from Bowling Green, KY), a former CrossFit affiliate owner, and veteran coach. Jacob has been shadowing classes this past week and led most of Sunday’s XT Strength class. He’ll be leading the Tuesday 4:30pm class as we work on potentially on-boarding Jacob to a staff position with us. If you haven’t yet, come meet Jacob and take a class with him!

  3. Lastly, I’m thrilled that Hayette has been helping with the Tuesday evening XT Strength class at 5:30pm. Hayette has earned CrossFit and CSCS certs and used to lead many classes back in the day at then-CrossFit Pisgah. She’s been a huge help on Tuesday nights and is now taking the lead on that class. Definitely come by and take the Tuesday night XT class if you haven’t had a chance yet!

  4. I hit a roadblock with our merch, but am pursuing another option. With the added coaching help coming online this week, I hope to make a big push on this. Apologies for the delay!

Normal week ahead schedule-wise…

Pisgah Kids 3:45pm

Group Fitness Programming:


Hang Power Snatch 3-3-3 (Beginners, we’re staying LIGHT and using this as a longer skill session. Intermediate/Advanced: we’ll push the weight here assuming solid technique)

Low Hang Power Snatch 2-2-2

Power Snatch 1-1-1

Hang Power Snatches- knee level

Low Hang Power Snatches- shin level

Complete sets every 1:30 for 13:30.


4 Rounds for Time (30:00 Cap)

400m Run

16 Air Squats (Rx+ Alternating Pistols)

12 TTB (V-Ups)

10 Bar Facing Burpee (Burpees)

8 Snatches (95/65) (Rx+: 135/95)


Foam Roll


Tuesday, September 14


Sunday, September 12