Tuesday, Oct 11

“To have long term success as a coach or in any position of leadership, you have to be obsessed in some way.” - Pat Riley

Gym Happenings

Handstand Clinic!!!

This Friday, Oct 14th at 5:30pm local Acro coach Micah Ellinger will be taking us through a handstand masterclass. This is a great opportunity so don’t pass it up!




Thruster 95 / 65 



3 sets 

8-10 Goblet squat 31x1

8-10 SA KB push press 21x1

8-10 SA KB Row 21x1 

Strength ( After WOD and Rebuild )

2 rounds for quality of:

8 R Tempo Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load @3010

12 R Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load @10X0

Rest 1 min

8 L Tempo Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load

12 L Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load

Rest 1 min

8 Tempo Ab Wheel Roll Outs @2111

Rest 1 min

For the Split Squats…you’ll perform the first 8 reps holding kettlebells or dumbbells in a farmer’s carry position, then after the 8th repetition you’ll drop the weights and perform 12 more reps unloaded, trying to jump as high as possible each rep.


Wednesday, Oct 12


Monday, Oct 9