Tuesday, August 31
Before we get out of August, want to say a happy belated birthday to our August birthdays crew!
Cory Podielski 8-2
David Rollins 8-8
Trip Kinnaird 8-14
Sarah Tager 8-14
Nicholas Brown 8-18
Nicole Langford 8-18
Gillian Scruggs 8-21
Michael White 8-23
Labor Day Schedule:
I’ve decided I’m going to take a day off on Monday, Labor Day, September 6th…I’ll post an outdoor bodyweight wod to the website that fits in with our programming that week if you want to get something in!
Group Fitness Programming:
Skill: Rope Climb Clamps (we won’t be doing much actual climbing today, just want to work on our clamps and resetting clamps. Advanced climbers will work legless technique.)
Strength: 4-4-2 Deadlift
3 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20)
3 Deadlift (185/135 - Rx+ 225/155)
6 Burpee BJO
6 Deadlift
9 and 9….etc.
A1. Kettlebell Horn Curls; 20X1; 8-10reps; rest 60sec x 3 Sets
A2. Goblet Kickstand Pistol Squat; 2020; 8/leg
B1. DB Lateral Raise to Front Raise; 30X1; 10-14 reps
B2. Barbell Hip Thrust 2020; 10-14 reps
XT Strength:
Deadlift 4x5
Back Squat 4x5
Hang Clean 4x5
Broad Jumps 4x5
Core: Plank Circuit