Monday, August 30

Announcements for the week:

  • I’ve made a couple schedule tweaks, effective immediately.

    • Tuesday nights. Group Fitness is now at 4:30pm. XT Strength will stay at 5:30pm. If you’re wanting a WOD-class on Tuesday night and cannot get to the 4:30, come to XT at 5:30 and I can set you up with the class WOD. I’m trying a couple different things on Tuesday night and want to give this setup a shot. Thanks for being patient while we find a setup that works best for everyone!

    • I’ve dropped Wednesday AM XT and replaced it with Open Gym. If that’s the only time you can get in for XT, come on in, do the XT programming, and I can support while I’m there for Open Gym.

    • Our Pisgah Kids (K-5) class restarts Wednesday at 3:45. If you are planning on participating and haven’t RSVP’d your child, please do so ASAP so I can best plan that class. Thanks!

  • We’re looking for a new coach, preferably female, that may be able to take on a handful of classes each week. If you know of someone that may be interested and a good fit for our community, please connect them with me!

  • Monday night, Hayette is running a burrito pop-up at The Crucible, a small bar in the River Arts District, very close to Pisgah. Details HERE. Come by!

    • Also…I want our community to be a network and resource for all of us. If you have an event, business, announcement, etc. that you want to pass on to our members, please let me know and I can include here.

  • Programming this week: We’re continuing our linear barbell and gymnastics strength cycles. The WODs this week are backed off some, and we are planning on having skill/teaching time in each class this week to take steps forward on some higher skill movements. Definitely hitting some cardio this week on the bike, the rower, and with running.

Group Fitness Programming:

  • Today we’re saying goodbye (for now) to Spencer, who is set to head off to Raleigh for a year to work in the legal world. I’ve written a WOD with some of Spencer’s favorites for a proper sendoff. Good luck, Spencer!

Skill: Jerk Technique


Jerk. Take 15 min to find a heavy single (split or push)

WOD: “Spencer-at-law”


Buy-In: 400m Run

Max Rounds in time remaining of:

12 Bench Press (115/85)

9 Toes to Bar (Hanging Knee Raises or V-Ups)

Rest 5:00 (5:00 rest?? Yes. This means go HARD during the “on” sections…)


Buy-In: 400m Run

Max Rounds in time remaining of:

9 Bench Press (135/95)

9 Toes to Bar (Hanging Knee Raises or V-Ups)

Rest 5:00


Buy-In: 400m Run

Max Rounds in time remaining of:

6 Bench Press (155/105)

9 Toes to Bar (Hanging Knee Raises or V-Ups)


Tuesday, August 31


Sunday, August 29