Tuesday, August 3
500 m row
5:00 of:
5 Inchworm
20 Banded Pull-Aparts
10 Pushups
10 DB/BB Rows
20 Hip Swings
Strict Pull-Up Test
All athletes will do this, and many of us will have 0, which is fine! This test will be an important benchmark before we launch our gymnastics strength program today. Those heading off on the strict muscle-up track need to be able to complete 6+, preferably closer to 8 or 9, strict pull-ups.
Today we begin our gymnastics strength phase. We’ll be doing this for strength 2x/week during August and September, in addition to our standard strength work.
Pull-Up Program:
Hollow-hold: Accumulate 60 sec.
DB Lat Pullovers: 3x10
Toe-spot strict pull-ups 5x5
Muscle Up Program:
False Grip Active Ring Hold: 3x max effort
Ring Support Hold: Accumulate 1:00
Segmented Ring Row: 3x10. Basically a ring row with an initial lat “back and down” prompt, pause, then finish.
40/30 Bike Cal
20 Box Jump (24/20)
400m Run
20 Burpee
Mobility: (5 min)