Thursday, April 21
“I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.”
― Virginia Woolf, Jacob's Room
Rebuild option available today.
Pisgah Kids 3:30 PM
Strict PU Program (2/20)
Active Bar Hang : 3x 30 secs, rest 1 min
Rest 1 min between sets.
These are "active" bar hangs. Engage your lats by pulling down on the bar. Remember what the Lat Press Downs felt like on Day 1. You're doing the same thing here, but only the first couple of inches. You're also practicing the same "hollow" position you performed on Day 1, but this time you’re doing it while hanging from a bar. *Go for big sets here. Unbroken if possible.
4x6-8 reps
The goal here is to pull the rings down to your hips. Much like the lat PRESS downs on Day 1, think about pressing the rings down rather than pulling yourself up. Use as little hip momentum as possible. Some momentum is okay here if you can't get any movement at all, but initiate with the press down and not the hips. *The higher the box, the tougher these are.
Plank Hold 3x1:00 (accumulate)
Strict MU Program
Strict Chest-to-ring Pull-ups : 3x5
Rest as needed between sets.
Make sure that you are keeping the hollow position throughout each rep. There should not be an arch in the back. Think about pressing down on the rings to get your chest to make contact rather than pulling up to accomplish that. We want the lats to be the working in this drill.
Banded Seated Ring Muscle-ups : 3x Max Rep
Rest as needed between sets.
No more than 20 reps each set. This drill is working on muscle memory and also training the ring muscle-up transition. Try and find a band resistance that you can get more than 10 reps but less than 20. These sets should be challenging.
Hollow Hold : 3x 20 secs, rest 40 secs
Hollow Hold 3x 20 secs Rest 40 secs between sets.
Working on the hollow hold will transfer to all other gymnastics movements. Tension = power. Breathe through any time spent holding. Do not hold your breath. Scale to a tuck hold if needed.
For time:
4 rounds, each round for time, of:
Bike 40/30 Cals
10 Burpee Broad Jumps, 4/3 ft
10 Ring Dips
3 Wall Walks
Go every 9 mins.
Ring Dips or Stationary Dips Athletes should be getting at least 2 mins of rest between rounds, so please adjust the distance or repetitions to ensure the intended stimulus of this session.
Rebuild Option
12 Supinated Barbell Bent Over Row @2111
12 Stationary Dips @2111
20 Windshield Wipers