Saturday, Oct 8
“Only one who devotes themselves to a cause with their whole strength and soul can be a master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.” - Albert Einstein
Single Arm KB Crunch x 10/arm
Tall Kneeling KB Horn Bicep Curls x 12-15reps 20X0 Tempo
Tall Kneeling KB Horn Tricep Extensions x 12-15reps 20X0 Tempo
KB Rack Cyclist Squat x8-12 @2111
Gorilla Row x8-12 @2111
KB Rack Carry 100’
Community WOD
For time (30-minute cap, any split):
Buy-In: 100 Alternating DB/KB Snatches
500m row
50 wallball
50 Russian Twist
400m row
40 wallball
40 Russian Twist
300m row
30 wallball
30 Russian Twist
200m row
20 wallball
20 Russian Twist
100m row
10 wallball
10 Russian Twist
Cash-Out: 100 Push-Ups