Saturday, May 6

“The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.” - Mark Russell


3 sets 

KB SL DL 5/5 

KB windmill 5 each 

3 sets 

KB turkish sit-ups 5 reps

KB front rack reverse lunges 10 reps each (light)

3 sets 

KB torso row 10 reps each

KB hip to halo 5 each 

Community WOD 

3 rounds for time: ( with a buddy )

Row 800m total *alternate every 200m 

8 rounds 

7 V-ups 

7 burpees 

7 thrusters 35/45

*Alternate full rounds 

*30 minute time cap 


Sunday, May 7


Friday, May 5