Saturday, June 25

“Teaching is the greatest act of optimism.” - Colleen Wilcox

Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a


Alt EMOM 16 mins: Half Kneeling Single Arm Landmine Press, Stationary Dips, and Flutter Kicks

Every 1 min for 16 mins, alternating between:

8 L Half Kneeling Single Arm Landmine Press, pick load @21X1

8 R Half Kneeling Single Arm Landmine Press, pick load

max rep Stationary Dips, 40 secs

max rep Flutter Kicks, 40 secs


Alt EMOM 20 mins: Front Foot Elevated Split Squats, Strict Handstand Push-ups, Ring Front Leaning Rests, and Bent Over Reverse Dumbbell Flies

Every 1 min for 20 mins, alternating between:

8 L Front Foot Elevated Split Squats, pick load @3111

8 R Front Foot Elevated Split Squats, pick load

max rep Strict Handstand Push-ups, 30 secs

Ring Front Leaning Rest, 40 secs

12 Bent Over Reverse Dumbbell Flies, pick load @2011


Community WOD

Eva Strong

With a partner, 5 rounds for time of:

24 Double Unders (each)

19 Toes-to-bars (total)

2 Clean & Jerks, 205/135 lbs (total)

Run, 400 m (together)

Double Unders are completed at the same time, partners don't move on until both finish. Toes-to-bars and Clean & Jerks are divided between partners. Run is completed together.

In honor of slain Uvalde teacher Eva Mireles. Mireles was one of two teachers killed along with 19 students at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The 44-year-old was an avid CrossFitter who regularly attended Shotgun CrossFit in the same county. Mireles was killed protecting her 4th-grade students and had been a teacher in the district for 17 years.

Athlete Instructions


If you don’t have a partner, reduce the toes-to-bar reps to 10 and perform only 1 clean and jerk per round. Newer athletes should reduce the loading and modify the toes-to-bars.



Sunday, June 26


Friday, June 24