Saturday, June 11
“My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I used to be.” - Wayne Dyer
Check out this short and helpful resource from Precision Nutrition about structuring and arranging your/our kitchen spaces!
a) Every 90sec x 10 Sets (15mins)
Odd - Close Grip Bench Press; 30X0 Tempo x 10reps (2-3 RIR)
Even - RNT Dumbbell Row; 20X0 x 8reps/arm (2-3 RIR)
b) Every 75sec x 9 Sets (12mins)
1st – Trap 3 Raise x 15-20 reps 2020
2nd - Supinated Barbell Bent-over Row; 2020; 10-15reps (2-3 RIR)
3rd - KB Horn Grip Bicep Curl 20X0; 10-15rep RANGE
c) Plank Circuit
3 rounds for max reps of:
Assault Bike Calories, 2 mins
Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches, 2 mins
Dumbbell Goblet Squats, 2 min
Row Calories, 2 mins
Ring Dips (Box Dips), 2 mins
Strict Pull-ups (Ring Rows) 2 min