Saturday, July 9
Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a
Every 1:30 for 24 mins, alternating between:
12 Banded Muscle Snatches, pick load @2111
16 Banded Palloff Press (8/each)
15 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press, pick load @2011
6 Bat Wing Holds, pick load @2118 Prone lying on the bench; pin your shoulders down and back for 8 secs with dumbbells or barbell for loading.
Movement Demos
Alternating Suitcase Reverse Lunge; 20X0 Tempo x 14-16reps (7-8/leg); rest 15sec
Clamshell Side Plank Hip Thrust x 12/side; rest 15sec
Hand Supported DB Single Leg RDL; 20X0 Tempo; 8-10reps/leg; rest 30sec
Community WOD
0:00-15:00 (partners alternate movements)
20/15 Cal Row
30 DB Hang Power Clean
40 GHD Sit Ups or 50 Anchored Sit Ups
30 DB Shoulder to Overhead
20/15 Cal Row
5:00 break
20:00-35:00 (any split)
20 Alternating DB Hang Snatch
10 DB Deadlifts
10 DB Burpees
15 Calorie Row