Friday, July 8
“Keep a little fire burning; however small, however hidden.”
― Cormac McCarthy, The Road
L-Sit/L-Hang: 3 Max Efforts
Ring Support Hold (Bar/Box Dip Hold): 2 Max Efforts
False Grip Active Hold (Chin Over Bar Hold): 1 Max Effort
"Dirty Work"
6 mins RemReps: Deadlifts and Bike Calories; 6 mins RemReps: Hang...
In 6 mins, for max reps:
60 Deadlifts, 115/85 lbs max reps
in remaining time Bike Calories
-- then –
In 6 mins, for max reps:
45 Hang Power Cleans, 115/85 lbs
max reps in remaining time Bike Calories
-- then –
In 6 mins, for max reps:
30 Shoulder-to-Overheads, 115/85 lbs
max reps in remaining time Bike Calories