Saturday, July 2
“Love is the only way.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.
MLK - Excerpt from “Loving Your Enemies” Sermon - 11/17/57 - Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, Montgomery, AL
Rebuild 8:30a - Community WOD 9:30a
For Quality:
KB Rack Cyclist 20kg/12kg
Gorilla Row 20kg/12kg
KB Rack Carry 20m each round 20kg/12kg
Box Elevated Pistol Squats (plate loaded or bodyweight or assisted) - 4 reps/leg 31X1 Tempo
rest 45secBanded or Cable Face Pulls - 10-12reps 30X1 Tempo
rest 45secTall Kneeling KB Horn Bicep Curls x 12-15 reps 20X0 Tempo rest 45 sec and back to 1
Community WOD
Teams of 2 – AMRAP 30
Row, 2000 m
Run, 1600 m (done via 8 post runs)
120 Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters, pick load
80 DB Box Step-Ups
40 Ring Dips (Bar/Box/Bench Dips)
20 Wall Walks (Pike Push-Ups or Push-Ups)
Athlete Instructions
Throughout this workout, only one partner will be working at a time. For the row, switch every 500 m, and for the run, switch after each post run. Partition the rest of the repetitions however you deem best.