Saturday, January 15

Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a


3 Sets
1. Glute Bridge V Walkout; 4-6 reps
Immediately into:
2. Curtsy Squat; 30X1; 8-10 reps/side
rest 30 sec and back to 1

3-5 sets 
Reverse Plank Bridge Hip Lifts 
Alternating Underswitch (4/side)
Burpee to Vertical Leap
Rest 30 sec between sets 
*Squeeze the glutes at the top of the Reverse Plank Bridge and Underswitch. 


Community WOD:


Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 mins of:

Run, 800 m

80 Kettlebell Farmers Carry Walking Lunges, pick load

Kettlebell Farmers Carry, pick load, 400 m

40 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press, pick load

Complete in teams of 2 as:

Run- together

Kettlebell Farmers Carry Walking Lunges- 20/20/20/20, alternating partners

Kettlebell Farmers Carry- walk together, only 1 partner carrying at a time

Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press- 10/10/10/10, even reps per arm

Each team only gets one set of kettlebells or dumbbells. They should be heavy, especially on the single arm push press.



Sunday, January 16


Friday, January 14