Saturday, February 12
Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a
Shoulder IYT’s x 10 @ 3011
Kneeling Plate Halfmoon x 8
15/15 Kneeling Founder
33 Russian Twists
2 Barbell Roll-Outs @ 4121
Kneeling Curl to Press x 10 @30X1
Community WOD
w/ partner
Row or Assault Bike Calories
- Alternate movement each minute. Teams’ score for each movement will be the lowest rep amount achieved during minute.
Then, at 10:00 mark:
10 post runs
- Team members alternate post runs. One running, one resting.
Then, immediately following the 10th post run, teams complete:
100 KB Swing
100 Single Arm KB/DB Thrusters
- Team members split work anyway they prefer. One working at a time, one resting.
In time remaining (until 30:00):
Max Effort Farmers Carry building laps and sit-ups (partners alternate laps, holding 1 heavy KB/DB. The partner not doing farmers carry is accumulating max sit-ups).