Saturday, Feb 25

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” - Alan Watts


3 sets of 8 reps each:

Frog back squat 

Bench hamstring lifts 

DB incline bench press

Ring face pull 

3 rounds

GHD face up hold :30

DB carry 100’

Lateral sled drag 100’

Community WOD 

Amrap 25:00 

While buddy runs 400m 

10 SA alternating devil press

10 DB Box overs 

20 SA push jerk 

*Inside work is continuous, when partner comes in from the run, they pick up where their buddy left off. For example, I’m on 8 push jerks, when my buddy comes in from the run, they will start their push jerks off on the 9th reps of the set of 20, then when finished they will start doing devil presses.


Sunday, Feb 26


Friday, Feb 24