Saturday, Dec 17

“I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” — Rita Rudner


3 rounds 

6/6 Landmind press

50’ Sled pull 

6/6 Land mine cork screw 

3 rounds 

50’ Sled push 

6/6 Land mind rows 

6/6 Land mind twist 

Community WOD 

12 days of Christmas!

1 - Strict pull-up 

2 - Box jump overs 

3 - Push-ups 

4 - Wall balls 

5 - Cal row

6 - Air squats 

7 - Cal bike 

8 -  Kettlebell swings 

9 - Burpee 

10 - Alternating DB snatch 

11 - Toes to bar 

12 - SA alternating devil press 


Sunday, Dec 18


Friday, Dec 16