Saturday, Aug 13

"Your 'should self' puts the alarm clock across the room at night so your 'want self' can’t reach the snooze button in the morning." - Adam Grant

Community WOD

Partner WOD for time (33:00 cap) - Individuals cut reps in half and work 1:00 on/1:00 off

2000 m Row (partners switch every 250m)

120 burpees (any split)

1000m row

100 toes to bar (med ball sit-ups) (any split)

500m row

80 Dbl DB Ground to Overhead (35/25 or 25/15) (any split)


Every 1:30 for 18 mins, alternating between:

8 L Tempo Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load - 3011 Tempo

8 R Tempo Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load - 3011 Tempo

8x 4-Count Squat Compressions - 2222 Tempo

8 Prone Swimmers - 4040 Tempo

3 rounds for quality of:

3 L/3 R Turkish Get-ups, pick load

Rest 45 secs

Waiter Carry, pick load, L 30 secs/R 30 secs

Rest 45 secs

10 Supine Ring Rows 2111 Tempo

Rest 45 secs

L-Sit Hold, 1 min


Monday, Aug 15


Friday, Aug 12