Saturday, April 23
“It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity.”
― Dave Barry
Rebuild 8:30a, Community WOD 9:30a
Alt EMOM 15 mins: Single Arm Deadlifts, Suitcase Carries, Slider Hamstring Curls, and 2 more
Every 1 min for 15 mins, alternating between:
1x [ 6 L Single Arm Deadlifts + Suitcase Carry, L 30 m ], pick load
1x [ 6 R Single Arm Deadlifts + Suitcase Carry, R 30 m ], pick load
8 GHD Back Extensions (12 Good Mornings)
L-Sit, 45 secs (3x:15, :05 rest between each)
10 Tempo Push-ups @1111
You may perform the single arm deadlifts and suitcase carries with a farmer’s handle, a heavy kettlebell or dumbbell, or a barbell. Perform the deadlift with your arm in the center of your body and the carry with your arm at your side.
Knee Over Toes Split Squat @ 3110 Tempo; 6-8/leg rest 45sec
Dumbbell Jefferson Curl @ 3131; 6-8 reps; rest 75sec and back to 1st *Keep loads lighter and focus on Range of Motion and movement control
Side Plank :45/each side
Community WOD
w/partner. Any split of work/tasks. One athlete working at a time.
A) AMRAP/each movement. Every 4 mins for 16 mins:
SA DB OHS (0:00-4:00)
Bike Cals (4:01-8:00)
Strict Pull-ups (Ring Rows/Bent Over Rows) (8:01-12:00)
Post Runs (12:01-16:00)
4:00 Break (16:00-20:00)
B) AMRAP/each movement. Every 4 mins for 16 mins:
Burpees to Plate (20:00-24:00)
OH Plate Lunges (24:01-28:00)
Building Laps (28:01-32:00)
Toe to Bars (V-Ups or Sit-Ups) (32:01-36:00)