Monday, February 10
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.
AMRAP 9’, easy pace
45 seconds of rowing, jogging or biking (increase pace each round)
20 seconds of lunge steps (forward/side)
8 Kettlebell russian swings, light load
6 Kettlebell bent over rows, L-arm (light load)
6 Kettlebell bent over rows, R-arm (light load)
20-30 seconds of rest
4 RFQ:
15-20 GHD Sit-Ups (25 Med Ball Sit-Ups)
6-8 Turkish Get-Ups (3-4/Arm/Round)
Each for time:
Row: 3x 1000 m
Rest as needed between efforts.
Cool Down
Trap stretch with lacrosse ball
1-2 minutes per side
Frog Stretch
Hold 1-2 minutes.