Friday, January 24

"I know that love is ultimately the only answer to mankind's problems."

— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,


2 rounds, not for time, of:

2 minutes of rowing, biking, or jogging

30 seconds of foam rolling your lats and low back

10 hip & back extensions

3-5 deadlifts, starting from mid-shin, empty barbell

3-5 muscle cleans, starting from mid-shin, empty barbell

3-5 front squats, empty barbell

3-5 hang squat cleans, starting from just above the knees, empty barbell

3-5 squat cleans, starting from mid-shin, empty barbell


Part I:

For quality:

10 L/10 R Single Leg Box Jumps, pick height

Movement Demos

Part II:

1 Squat Clean, pick load

Every 30 secs for 20 mins.

Athlete Instructions


Super Fitness Robot:

Squat Clean- 70% 1RM or more

More Likely: 

Squat Clean- 50% 1RM or more

Movement Demos


:45 on/:15 rest for each of the following:

  • Candlestick/V-Up/Sit-Up

  • Side Plank R

  • Hollow Rock/Hold

  • Side Plank L

  • Russian Twist

  • Forearm Plank

  • Flutter Kick

Cool Down

Hamstring Stretch

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.

Wall Stretch, Leg

Hold 1-2 minutes per side.


Saturday, January 25


Thursday, January 23