Monday, September 6

We’re closed Monday for Labor Day. However, I’ve written a bodyweight WOD that anyone can do that requires no equipment if you want to get something in.

Otherwise, I hope everyone enjoys the day, gets some outside time in and, hopefully, a little rest. After the WOD, scroll down and see a couple announcements from our members. If you ever have something you want to share with our community, send to me and I’ll gladly include.

Normal week ahead of classes, starting on Tuesday.

K-5 kids class launches on Wednesday (3:45-4:30). Last call for any kids that want to jump in on this!

Monday Bodyweight WOD:

Ok, there are 2 workouts here. You can pick one or do them both. Doing both will take about 20 minutes. Make sure you take time to warm-up! Also, invite someone around you to do this with you!


25 Burpees

Max Rep Pushups

Rest 5:00

3 Rounds for Time

10 Jumping Alternating Lunges

20 Plank Shoulder Taps

10 Broad Jumps

Notes: On the first AMRAP, find a pace that allows you to work through the burpees with limited/no breaks. Take a breather after your last burpee and hit as many pushups as you can, until you reach failure. Feel free to use a pushup modification (knees, partial range of motion, incline pushup to a bench or table) here. After you hit pushup failure, you go BACK TO BURPEES, and repeat the 25 burpee reps/pushups until failure couplet until 10 minutes is up.

From Imani Hamilton:

Imani runs Hello Bright Cleaning and is looking for employees. She starts at living wage and offers on-the-job training and opportunities for pay increases after an orientation period. If you know of someone reliable and hard-working looking for work, refer them to the website. Thanks!

From Beth Silverman:

Join Lotus Campaign for a virtual conversation about eviction prevention and homelessness in America. The candid discussion will feature Matthew Desmond, Professor of Sociology at Princeton University and author of Evicted, Poverty and Profit in the American City. The program will also feature a local panel with leaders in the nonprofit, healthcare, real estate, and advocacy spaces -- Bill Green (Ginkgo Residential), Carol Hardison (Crisis Assistance Ministry), Don Jonas (Atrium Health), and Chef Samone Lett (Food Network Star and Advocate)) – to create a community-based conversation. To RSVP please use the following link --


Tuesday, September 7


Sunday, September 5