Monday, Sept 11
“The past cannot be cured.” - Elizabeth I
Snatch heavy single
1 rep every 2 minutes
0:00 - 50%
2:00 - 60%
4:00 - 70%
6:00 - 80%
8:00 - 85%
10:00 - 90%
12:00 - 95%
14:00 - 100%
AMRAP 10:00
15 double unders
10 SA DB OH lunges 35/50
15 double unders
10 lateral burpees over the DB
Overhead squat heavy single
50% / 3
60% / 2
70% / 1
80% / 1
85% / 1
90% / 1
95% / 1
100% / 1