Monday, October 4
It’s a new week! Folks have been working HARD. Was great to see some PR’s in the gym last week. Love the extra strength work happening in Rebuild, XT, and Open Gym. Keep it up, ya’ll.
Couple announcements:
Thanks Hayette for painting the old bathroom!
Coach Jacob is leading a kettlebell workshop tonight (Monday) at 6:30pm. Come learn technique and upgrade your skill with kettlebells. Would be a great complement to the 5:30pm class! All skill levels welcome and encouraged.
We will be closed this coming Saturday, October 9, as the staff will be working at Beer City Beatdown. We’ll be back on Sunday, the 10th, per usual.
Mark still looking for help for Saturday’s event. If you can support, please contact him!
Pisgah Kids 3:45pm
Group Fitness Programming:
E2M - Deadlift 5-3-2-1-3-3
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.
Complete with PERFECT posture and mechanics @ 20X0 tempo.
Set 1: 50% of possible 3RM
Set 2: 75% of possible 3RM
Set 3: 85% of possible 3RM
Set 4: 90-95% of possible 3RM
Set 5: Test 3RM
Set 6 (optional): Exceed set 5 weight for 3RM
For 3 cycles:
AMRAP in 2 mins of:
5 Burpees Over Bar (Burpees)
5 Ground-to-Overheads, 115/85 lbs (15 KB Swings)
Rest 2 mins between each cycle.
For each cycle continue the AMRAP.
Athletes will have one cumulative score at end of 3 cycles (not a score for each cycle).
Top to bottom work