Monday, Oct 31

“Strength is a skill.”— Pavel

Gym Happenings

Big News!

Firstly, thank you for participating in the survey, this has been crucial in our decision making over the past week. So, we’ve decided to adjust our gym programing based on feedback we’ve received and things we’ve noticed in class. We will be beginning a 6 week strength cycle this week. Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays will have either a bench, squat or deadlift during the strength portion, we will be building up to heavy set or a “max” each day, and peaking for a 1rm PR over the course of the 6 weeks. Rogue Fitness has a really cool 1000lb club challenge that you can participate in on week 6 if you’re interested, I will be ( Jacob ). During XT we will be running an OLY cycle on MWF, focusing on the snatch, clean, and jerk. This will primarily be a technique based segment, but you should see some carry over strength from the power lifts on these days at the end of the cycle. Rebuild and the conditioning segments will remain the same for the most part. I ( Jacob ) am so excited and hope y’all enjoy what I’ve put together. It’s crucial that you continue to give me feedback on your experience, as this along with what the coaches tell me and what I see is how I make these decisions so your feedback is extremely important, please email / text me with questions anytime! 606-340-7852


Deadlift 4x6 

55,65,75,85% (Heavy 6)


Amrap 10 

20 cal row 

10 push jerk 115/85


Jerk 5x3 

55,65,75% 3x3 (moderate)


Tuesday, Nov 1


Sunday, Oct 30