Monday, November 15

Goals Program: We’re very excited to roll out our goals program today. We’ve built this process after drawing from some other programs doing similar work, and are so looking forward to getting started. If you would like a structured, research-based process that allows you to collaborate with, and receive support from, Pisgah Fitness as you pursue your goal(s), this is for you. Participation is optional, and it requires some time and thought in the planning stages. To learn more and/or get started, go to

Here is the process:

  1. Complete the online goal-setting planning document. Give yourself time to complete this and put some thought into it. This document will be the focus of our consultation.

  2. Schedule a free 30-minute goal review with a Pisgah coach. We’ll help you refine your process, set benchmarks, and help you stay accountable.

  3. That’s it! Time to get started. We’re focusing on ONE GOAL for each 12-week period, broken down into four 3-week subgoals. At the end of 12-weeks, we restart the process.

This will be exciting work for us coaches and is new territory for us. Please give us feedback throughout the process so we can refine and improve it. Let’s do this!

A heads-up on our Thanksgiving schedule:

Wed., 11/24: No kids or Foundations classes, otherwise normal day.

Thur., 11/25: Closed all day. No classes.

Fri., 11/26: 2 Group Fitness classes, one at 9a and one at 12p.

Sat., 11/27 and Sun., 11/28: Normal weekend schedule


Foundations: 6:30pm

Pisgah Kids: 3:30pm (open gym), 3:45pm (class)

Group Fitness:


Clean sweeps x5

Pocket cleans x5

High pulls x5



15 min to find heavy Clean



15-12-9-6-3 reps, for time of:

Power Clean, 135/95 lbs

Bar Facing Burpee

Scaling: This is a fast burner. Choose a weight on the power clean that allows you to hold on for unbroken sets. Newer athletes should focus on proper mechanics. Push hard on the burpees.



Jog 400

3x10: Air squat, DB Push Press, Samson Lunge

1 min: Hip swings

1 min: inchworm




Wall Ball


KB Swing (Russian and American)


Strength: 7x2 Thruster (EMOM 7, Ascending weights)



Buy-in: 2 Building Laps




KB Swing


Cash Out: 2 Building Laps


Tuesday, November 16


Sunday, November 14