Monday, November 1

We hit exactly 800 people in classes/open gyms this month! That’s pretty cool.

Our October “Committed Club".” This month, I decided to highlight anyone that hit 10 or more visits last month. Great work, ya’ll!

Grant Sanford 30

Josh Federman 29

Ann Thomasson 23

Dr. Hingle McCringleberry 21 (aka Austin)

Lara Brockwell 21

David Ferrell 20

Jason Hendrix 20

Jamie Sauer 18

Lucas Ferry 18

Jenna Gilman 16

Aaron Ryba 14

Jay Moye 14

Tiffany Kinnaird 14

Chris Sanford 13

Nicole Langford 13

Rachel Prouty 13

Beth Darnell 12

Charlie Coggeshall 12

Laura McCreary 11

Meg Libby 11

Nicholas Brown 11

Rhonda Egerton 11

Teresa Warstler 11

Andrea Shaw 10

Carl Boland 10

Cate Ryba 10

David McCurry 10

Matt Strickland 10

Phillip Seaward 10

Back to more of a traditional week after last week’s collection of longer endurance-emphasis WODs. We do have a longer hero WOD tomorrow, but more snatch, front squat, and split jerk work in store this week.

For those used to Monday Night’s barbell-focused skill sessions, I would encourage you to hit tonight’s (and Wednesday’s) Foundations class. Plenty there to allow you to hit some barbell squats and increase your foundational strength and power base (Mark will work Presses and Jerks Wednesday). If you’re new to our program, Foundations is a critical piece to your development. Definitely prioritize spending this month in as many of those classes as you can make.

Let’s have a great week!

Foundations (Squat): 6:30pm (programming below)

Pisgah Kids: 3:30pm (open gym) 3:45pm (class)

Group Fitness


Toe to Bar and/or Double Under Practice (athlete choice)



Deadlift 3x8 at 70% 1RM



Every 1 min for 20 mins, alternating between:

40 Double Unders (40 singles)

30 Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts, pick load

20 Toes-to-bars (Med Ball Sit-Ups)

10 Strict Handstand Push-ups (DB Push Press)

Foundations (Squat Focus):




Air Squat

Back Squat

Front Squat (+Goblet)

Overhead Squat



Back Squat 3x5




Squat Review/Fundamentals, then:



Back Squat 5-5-5 (after 2+ w/u sets)

Overhead Squat 8-8-8 (after 2+ w/u sets)




Beginner + Experienced:


1 building lap, 20 air squat

2 building laps, 15 back squat

2 building laps, 10 front squat

1 building lap, 5 overhead squat


  • What is Crossfit?

  • How does CrossFit define fitness?




Tuesday, November 2


Sunday, October 31