Monday, March 7

Ok, all. The CrossFit Open continues...week 2 of 3! Great job during last Monday's test. Today is a very simple but daunting couplet. Plan on working for 10 minutes on this one.

We'll spend a bunch of time warming up and getting ready. Let's do this!

CrossFit Games Open 22.2 - Rx'd

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps, for time of:

Deadlift, 225/155 lbs (Scaled: 135/95, Foundations: 75/55)
Bar Facing Burpee (Scaled and Foundations can step over bar)
Time cap: 10 mins


Tuesday, March 8


Sunday, March 6