Monday, March 21
Announcements (LOTS to share today…)
Again, thanks to Lauren from Planting Roots Nutrition for coming to visit on Saturday. She left some protein info on the coffee bar and shared some great info. If you couldn’t make it, she made some of the following recommendations (thanks to Jay Moye for taking notes):
How much protein? She recommends 1.2-1.6g protein per 1kg (note: not #) of body weight. Older athletes, and more active athletes trend on the higher end.
How to manage intake? Bodies can utilize only 30-40g of protein at one time, so BIG single servings of protein (anything over 30-40g) will often leave grams of protein wasted and unable to process. Better to spread out protein intake over all meals and snacks throughout the day.
Best protein source? She recommends whey protein. If you stay away from dairy, Lauren recommends soy, edamame, seeds (pumpkin especially) and lentils. We (Hayette and I) also recommend seitan, which has a very high protein content.
Best meal/time of day for protein intake? Lauren suggested breakfast time/morning as your bodies ideal time for higher protein/lower carb eating.
Intern update! We’re excited to announce that we have scheduled Bruce Browder for his CrossFit Level 1 certification test. He’s worked hard to prepare. After he passes, we’re excited to get him in front of classes to finish out his intern period with us. THANK YOU to so many of you in our community for supporting this effort. Also, we’re excited to announce that we will be launching TWO new interns through our coaching development program.
Kay Kelley has been an incredibly amazing addition to our community over the past months. She’ll be working through the coach development program, as will Doriyan Johnson, a UNCA sophomore. Both will be starting around April 1. More info about both of these rock stars, as well as pics, can be found soon on our staff page on the website.
Memorial Day Murph is happening at Summit CrossFit again this spring. Details below!
Donations to support Warrior Canine Connection's no-fail mission.
Please bring a dish to share. We will have beer provided by Hillman Beer.
In order to help us run this event smoothly, please register for a heat time.
The $25 registration fee covers the cost of the shirt and a $10 donation. THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER FOR A SHIRT IS: MAY 10TH. WE WILL NOT HAVE EXTRAS.
If you do not want a shirt, please wait until the shirt cut-off time to register for your heat.
Alternatively, you can just show up at one of the designated heat times with a $10 CASH donation.
Never been to Summit before? Please have this waiver filled out prior to the event :
Let us know if you have any questions!
Monday Group Fitness
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
Scaling: Pick loads that allow you to attempt to set a PR in the later sets. If you are not comfortable performing very heavy back squats, add a few reps to each set and drill your mechanics, but try to expose yourself to a load that is relatively heavy for you.
· Workout Tips »
· The Back Squat »
“The Ghost”
6 rounds, 1 min per station, for max reps of:
Row Calorie
Double Under
Rest 1 min
Rotate immediately to the next station every 1 min, the clock does not stop or reset between stations.