Monday, Dec 12
“A day without sunshine is, you know, night.” - Steve Martin
Gym Happenings
Hey ya’ll, Jacob here. I’m extremely happy with the results of the first strength cycle I’ve had the honor of subjecting you to. I’m very excited about our next cycle, we will be focusing on the:
Olympic lIfts! This will be a short and sweet 3 week cycle to get us through the holidays, then in January we will be switching to another strength focus program. Keep the feedback coming, it’s absolutely crucial! Happy Holidays!
3 - 55%
3 - 65%
4 / 3 - 75%
*If you don't have percentages just take 2 light sets to build to a moderate working weight for 4 sets of 3 reps.
6 rounds for time of:
12 Wall balls 20/14
12 Sumo deadlift high pulls 70/53
Snatch deadlift
3 - 75%
3 - 85%
3 - 95%
3 / 3 - 105% (moderate / heavy 3’s)