Monday, April 25
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”
― Mark Twain
Pisgah Fitness 10-year anniversary WOD/hangout - Saturday, June 4
We’ll do a special Saturday morning Community WOD (10-11am), then stick around after for food and drinks from 11a-12p or so. We’re buying some food to share and will stock some coolers for everyone. We’ll probably have a grill going as well. Feel free to bring whatever you want and invite ANYONE you want! More the merrier…just want to come together and celebrate the Pisgah community for 10 great years (can you believe it?).
Strict Pull-up - Skill A:
Every 2 mins for 10 mins: Toe Spot Strict Pull-up + Negatives
5 Toe Spot Strict Pull-up + Negatives Every 2 mins for 10 mins.
These will be similar to Day 1's toe spotted pull-ups, but now we're including a 3-sec negative. Descend from the top position as controlled as possible. You have the same volume as Day 1 (25 total reps), but the negative should make things a bit more difficult. *Initiate your pull with the lats first.
Strict Pull-up - Skill B:
Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row : 20-20-20-20
Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row 20-20-20-20 (10L/10R)
Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
More lat strengthening today, but this time with some dumbbells. The goal here is to pull the weight to your hips, not your chest. The elbow should go back and up. This will activate and strengthen your lats.
*Feel free to support yourself on a bench if needed. Use a weight that is challenging but that still allows you to get the load to your hips.
Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill A:
Strict Ring Dips 1x10
Accumulate 10 reps. Keep your eyes forward on this. Lower down to where your shoulders drop below your elbows.
Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill B:
Band Tricep Extensions : 3x20
Band Tricep Extensions 3x20
Use a lighter band on these sets. Keep the rib cage down. Do not have an arch in the back and get a full lockout with the arms.
Strict Ring Muscle-up - Skill C:
False Grip Ring Rows : 3x10
False Grip Ring Rows 3x10
This drill is building pulling strength in the false grip. Make these challenging. Do not lead with the chest. Keep your rib cage down and squeeze your glutes.
FT: 800 m, Thrusters, and Rope Climbs
For time:
Run, 800 m
20 Thrusters, 135/95 lbs (yes…this is super heavy. Set this weight to a challenging one.)
10 Rope Climbs, 15 ft (30 rope lowers)
20:00 cap