Saturday, October 5

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Dalai Lama

Gym Update:

Workday #1: Saturday, October 5. Approximately 10am.

Plan for the session:

  • Get items off the floor so we can clean floor when water and power are available.

  • Clean and then roll up mats to one side so we can access as much of the concrete floor as possible once we can clean it. Mats will have to be rolled outside for cleaning after we get water access (I’m trying to see if we can get insurance to just replace the floors. I doubt they will, but I’m trying.).

  • Remove bolts that secure the rig to the floor so we can pick up and move the rigs and remove the mats underneath them to clean the floor.

  • Clean up as much as we can outside in terms of grass, trees, brush, limbs, leaves.

Equipment needs:

  • flat shovels

  • leaf blowers

  • battery powered drills

  • socket sets

  • chainsaws and handsaws

  • weed eaters, lawnmower

  • boots, gloves, clothes you don’t mind getting dirty

  • water, snacks

  • bandana or mask if worried about breathing dust. River is/was potentially toxic with garbage and sewage.

Saturday “No Equipment” WOD


3 rounds, each round for time, of:

Burpee Broad Jump, 60 m (or approximately 30 burpee broad jumps)

Rest 3 mins between each round.


Monday, October 7


Friday, October 4