Thursday, October 3
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
Gym Update:
Tentative workday #1: Saturday, October 5. Approximately 10am. Assuming we can access the space, I’ll be down there on Saturday. If you’re interested in helping, all we can really work on without power and water include:
Squeegie-ing floors (we have some squeegees on site)
shoveling mud and rocks off the floor and parking lot (we have some shovels, may want to bring one)
Blowing off parking lots and indoor space (we have two battery-powered blowers)
Roll up floors (you’ll need gloves, clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty)
Detach rig from floor (need battery powered drills and socket sets)
Tree and brush work in parking lot (chainsaws, handsaws, etc)
If you come, please know the floor is very slippery and muddy. You WILL get filthy dirty if you’re in there. Also, there is a smell, so you may want to bring a bandana or mask if that bothers you.
I don’t expect ANYONE to show. I know we all have immense clean-up work at home and in our neighborhoods and businesses. I also know most of us still lack power and water. The gym will be fine and we’re not rushing to re-open. I’ve had a couple people ask about when the first opportunity will be to start on the space, so this is it.
Hang in. One step in front of the other. We keep going.
“No Equipment” WOD
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 mins of:
10 Pike Handstand Push-ups (scale to pushups)
10 Bench Dips